Dear District X AMA Members, (From AMA email sent 06/26/2023)
On my behalf and that of your fellow AMA members, I am asking for everyone’s help in submitting letters to congressional representatives to advocate for better laws in this year’s FAA Reauthorization bill. We have simplified the letter process with the link. All the work is handled via the online submission.
Both the US House of Representatives and the US Senate have officially released their 2023 FAA Reauthorization bills. In these bills, AMA was successful in securing higher altitudes in uncontrolled airspace, clarifying large model airplane operations, and providing additional protections for educational UAS operations; however, our work is not done. We have amendments in both the House and Senate that would allow for higher altitudes for everyone in Class G airspace and would also allow AMA and other community-based organizations to self-declare FAA-Recognized Identification Areas (FRIAs). We encourage you to take action immediately. It is critical that Congress hears from all of us now.
Please share in club notifications and at club meetings because this is the perfect time to get engaged. As your AMA District X Vice President, I would like to thank you all for participating in this call to action. We need everyone’s help to effect this change!
After taking action, please visit the AMA government affairs blog at to learn more about FAA Reauthorization and see congressional language from both the House and Senate.